WATCH: Netanyahu thanks Trump for imposing sanctions on Iran

Prime Minister Netanyahu congratulated US President Donald Trump for “making the important decision to impose sanctions on Iran” and called upon Europe to join this measure.

PM Netanyahu Congratulates US President Donald Trump on Decision to Impose Sanctions on Iran

I congratulate President Trump and the US administration for making the important decision to impose sanctions on Iran. This is an important moment for Israel, the US, the region and the entire world. It represents the determination to curb Iran’s aggression in the region and its ongoing intention to arm itself with nuclear weapons.I call upon the countries of Europe, which talk about stopping Iran, to join this measure. The time has come to stop talking and to take action, and that is exactly what the US has done and what Europe should do.Video: Omer Miron, GPOSound: Ben Peretz, GPO

Posted by The Prime Minister of Israel on Monday, August 6, 2018
