WATCH: Popular Israeli musician Idan Raichel honors terror victim on stage

As part of the recent Gush Etzion Summer Festival, popular Israeli singer/songwriter Idan Raichel performed at the new amphitheater in Nokdim.

During the concert, Raichel recognized El-Roi Kapach among the audience, along with his daughter, Rachel, who was next to him. Kapach, a resident of Nokdim, was injured in a shooting terrorist attack at the Tekoa junction a few weeks ago, while in the car with his daughters.

Raichel told El-Roi and Rachel that he was captivated by their smiles, and added that there is no greater privilege than to keep on smiling after the attack.

“Those who want to claim our souls do so every day, but they also take away our smiles, so to see you smiling this way is the greatest triumph of all,” Raichel said.

Raichel asked El-Roi to stand up and try to dance. El-Roi accepted his request in a scene that moved the audience.
