We ‘will settle all accounts’ with Gaza terror groups, Liberman vows

“We will settle all accounts with Hamas, with the Islamic Jihad and with the rest of the terrorists acting against us from within the Gaza Strip,” Israel’s defense minister stated.

By: TPS and World Israel News

Israel will settle accounts with Hamas and Islamic Jihad at a time of its choosing and will not accept a continuation of recent events along the Gaza border, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said Monday.

“First of all, it needs to be clear that we will not accept the routine of [molotov] kites or riots on the border, or attempts to break through the fence and to damage [infrastructure] or violate Israeli sovereignty,” Liberman asserted at his Yisrael Beytenu party’s weekly meeting.

“We will respond accordingly. I just want to emphasize that we will act in accordance with Israeli interests at a time that is convenient for us,” Liberman continued.

“I don’t usually keep an open account, and we will settle all accounts with Hamas, with the Islamic Jihad, and with the rest of the terrorists acting against us from within the Gaza Strip,” he declared.

According to Liberman, over 600 flammable kites have been sent into Israel from Gaza since March 30, the beginning of the ongoing violent riots dubbed the “March of Return” at the border area, including efforts to infiltrate the Jewish state. IDF forces managed to intercept 440 of them, but the 200 that did reach Israel have set ablaze over 2,200 acres of farmland and forests.

Read  How the NY Times misreports the Gaza war
