Widespread blackouts in Lebanon, airport running on electric generators

Power stations in massive debt, cease operating.

By World Israel News Staff

Lebanon’s al-Zahrani and Deir Ammar power stations, in the south and north of the country respectively, have ceased operations due to the operating company’s financial debt, the Electricity Authority of Lebanon announced Wednesday evening.

According to Abu Ali Express, “Lebanon’s Central Bank refuses to approve additional credit to the Lebanese Electricity Company to operate the power plants, that is, without legislation backing such a move.”

It appears that Lebanon’s Central Bank is refusing to accept responsibility, demanding instead that Parliament deal with it, the report indicates.

Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport is now operating on electric generators – that is, until the fuel runs out.

The European Union’s Aviation Safety Agency is warning about critical safety issues at the airport concerning air traffic control, communication, navigation, surveillance, and weather reporting, the report says.

Caretaker Minister of Public Works and Transport Ali Hamieh made an appeal through the local channel MTV, website thisisbeirut.com reports.

“The concerned parties must understand that the Beirut Airport and the Port of Beirut are red lines and must be supplied with electricity regardless of the circumstances,” he said. “The contingency plan we have adopted tonight, based on generators, is an emergency plan and not a lasting solution.”

“During the power shortage, four generators will supply the airport with electricity for 24 hours to ensure the continuity of this facility,” said Beirut airport director Fadi al-Hassan.

Read  Lebanese on social media desperate to stop Hezbollah-prompted war
