3 months after wedding near Palestinian village, doctors find bullet in Israeli woman’s spine

Israeli wedding guest feels pain at nuptials but doesn’t discover she was shot until months later.

By Lauren Marcus, World Israel News

Weddings in Israel are joyous events, typically including hundreds of friends and family members who rally around the bride and groom in order to fulfill the mitzvah of making a married couple happy on their wedding day.

But for one reveler at a wedding in Judea and Samaria several months ago, the special night could have proved fatal.

“In the middle of the wedding ceremony, I felt a crazy blow in my back,” Adi Bloy told Army Radio, speaking about nuptials she attended near Psagot, outside of Jerusalem, in October 2021.

“From my shoulders to my feet, there was crazy pain. I thought at first I pulled a muscle, I didn’t see a hole in my dress,” she said.

Although she was in pain, Bloy couldn’t figure out what was wrong and decided to stay at the event.

“After a few minutes, I saw a bit of blood on my hand after I held the spot [where the pain originated,]” she explained. “There was the tiniest scratch there. My friends said it wasn’t a big deal, they told me ‘Don’t worry.’”

Bloy continued to suffer from pain in her side after the event, and visited several clinics that dismissed her complaints.

“Even the doctors said, ‘It’s nothing, Adi,’” she said.

But Bloy knew something wasn’t right, and a recent CT scan discovered that she had been shot on the night of the wedding, with the 5.56mm bullet still lodged in her body.

Army Radio reported that Israeli police suspect the bullet was fired by a resident of the Arab municipality of Mukhamas, which is next to Psagot.

It’s unclear if Bloy was intentionally targeted or if the shooting was an accident.

“This is a story you hear in movies,” she said, noting that a doctor told her that the bullet could have potentially paralyzed or killed her, if it had entered her body just a few centimeters to the right or left and hit her spine.

“You never really think such a thing could happen. But in the end, it happened to me.”
