3 wounded in machete attack on Brussels bus

Another stabbing attack took place in Belgium on Monday afternoon. This time, authorities say, it seems not to have been an act of Islamic terror. 

Three passengers were injured, two seriously, after being stabbed by an Asian woman with a machete on a public transportation bus in Brussels.

The assailant, police said, has a history of mental illness. She was subsequently shot and wounded by the officers, who say they had warned her to stop, but she refused to comply.

The incident, which took place at about 4:30 p.m. local time, reportedly happened after an argument. It is under investigation. To date, authorities do not believe it was a terror attack.

Belgium is on high alert in the wake of a number Islamic deadly terror attacks over the past year. Earlier this month, a terrorist stabbed and wounded two policewomen in the southern city of Carleroi. In a double Islamic terror attack in March, 34 people were killed and scores wounded in simultaneous explosions at the Brussels airport and subway system.

The mastermind of the Islamic terror attacks in Paris last November, which claimed 129 lives and wounded hundreds more in simultaneous attacks on a concert hall, major stadium, restaurants and bars, was a Belgian Muslim of Moroccan descent. A wanted fugitive for four months, he was finally apprehended by police in Belgium’s Molenbeek district.
