Israel sends condolences to UK after terror attack

Israel, an experienced victim of Islamic terror, extended its sympathy and condolences to London in wake of the Muslim terror attack that killed three and wounded some 40.

Israel offered support and condolences to the people of the United Kingdom in wake of the Islamic terror attack in London on Wednesday, which left three victims dead and 40 wounded.

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely stated Israel “expresses its deep shock at the terror attack in London today and its solidarity with the victims and with the people and government of Great Britain.”

“Terror is terror wherever it occurs and we will fight it relentlessly,” she said.

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon expressed Israel’s support for the UK to Ambassador Matthew Rycroft following the terror attack.

“Israel stands as one with the British people as we all work together to defeat the scourge of terrorism,” he stated.

He conveyed Israel’s condolences and wished a speedy recovery to the injured.

Tel Aviv’s city hall was lit in Union Jack colors in solidarity with the British people. “We stand with London,” the municipality stated.

A knife-wielding Muslim went on a deadly rampage in the heart of Britain’s seat of power Wednesday, plowing a car into pedestrians on London’s Westminster Bridge before stabbing a police officer to death inside the gates of Parliament.

‘Will All Move Forward Together’

Prime Minister Theresa May condemned the attack as a “sick and depraved terrorist attack.

Police said they were treating the attack as terrorism. There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

“Tomorrow morning, Parliament will meet as normal,” May said. Londoners and visitors “will all move forward together, never giving in to terror and never allowing the voices of hate and evil to drive us apart.”

Wednesday was the anniversary of suicide bombings in the Brussels airport and subway that killed 32 people last year, and the latest events echoed recent vehicle attacks in Berlin and Nice, France.

The last time London experienced a severe terror attack was on July 7, 2005, when four al-Qaida-inspired British bombers blew themselves up on three subway trains and a bus in London, killing 52 people.

The most gruesome recent attack occurred in 2013 when two Muslim converts of Nigerian descent attacked Lee Rigby, a British soldier who was walking down the street. The men ran Rigby down with their vehicle and then used a cleaver to hack him to death as bystanders watched in horror.

Read  Antisemitic incidents in UK shatter prior records, numbering nearly 2,000 in six months

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News
AP contributed to this report.
