Abbas’ party tries to help terrorists escape after shooting three Israelis

“Fatah’s response today to this latest attempted murder shows just how ironic it is that Israel and the international community look to Abbas and his PA for security cooperation.” – Itamar Marcus, Palestinian Media Watch

By World Israel News Staff

Fatah, the ruling party of the Palestinian Authority headed by President Mahmoud Abbas, worked to help the terrorist who shot and wounded three Israelis to escape, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reported.

In a drive-by shooting on Sunday morning outside of Tekoa in Judea, a father and his two daughters were hit by gunfire.

The male victim, identified as Nokdim resident and father of five El-Roi Kapach, suffered gunshot wounds and was listed in serious condition. His daughters, 9 and 14 years old, were wounded by shrapnel and listed in light condition.

IDF forces and Israel Police units immediately launched a manhunt, closing several roads in and around Bethlehem in search of the terrorist.

“In response, Fatah’s Bethlehem branch publicized on its Telegram Channel the roads that Israel had closed and called on all residents of those areas to erase all street security videos that Israel could use to track the movement of the terrorist,” according to PMW.

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“This call to hinder the army was followed up twice at 1:54 and 2:07 with further calls to block the streets and prevent the army from easy access to search for the terrorist.”

Fatah’s attempts to aid the terrorists failed. Later in the day, the assailant who had opened fire was found hiding in a mosque in the PA-controlled city of Bethlehem and was arrested.

PMW’s Itamar Marcus commented: “Fatah’s response today to this latest attempted murder shows just how ironic it is that Israel and the international community look to Abbas and his PA for security cooperation. Abbas’ Fatah is not even trying to hide its active support for terror, while doing its utmost to prevent the capture of terrorists.”

The PA is reportedly bankrupt. Besides his lack of popularity among his constituents, who mostly prefer Hamas, Abbas, 87, is in poor health.

Last month, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a Knesset committee: “We need the Palestinian Authority. We cannot allow it to collapse. We also do not want it to collapse. We are prepared to help it financially. We have an interest in the Authority continuing to function; in the places where it manages to function it’s doing the job for us.”

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The PA nevertheless has rejected any offer of financial aid from Israel and insists on continuing its “pay for slay” policy of encouraging and rewarding terrorism.

Just days ago, Abbas visited Jenin, a terrorist hotbed, where he praised the attacks against Israel and said they must continue until all of “Palestine” – including not just Judea and Samaria, but all of Israel – is “liberated.”

Bereaved husband and father Rabbi Leo Dee recently criticized Netanyahu for propping up the PA.
