After immigrant stabbed kids, UK gov cracks down on protesters

The UK, like many leftist countries, is becoming both anarchic and fascistic, with a free pass being given to the left and its Islamist allies.

By Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine

A Rwandan in a mask wielding a knife attacked a number of British children, killing 3, including a 9-year-old girl named Alice, and wounding 9 more, along with some of the adults who tried to protect them.

Instead of taking action against the plague of migrant crime, PM Keir Starmer and his radical left-wing government declared an emergency because of a rally by British anti-migrant protesters.

In fascistic remarks, PM Stamrer announced a new “force” that will crack down on anti-migrant protests.

Not of course the protests in support of Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups that this government and the previous one have been protecting, but the kinds of protests they don’t like.

Starmer defined this as the “tiny, mindless minority in our society”.

While the murder of three little girls didn’t occasion an “emergency meeting” or a “national address”, the counterprotests against the murders did.

Starmer falsely claimed that he would “not permit under any circumstances a breakdown in law and order on our streets” when such a state has existed for years as leftists with Extinction Rebellion and Hamas supporters after Oct 7 freely rioted, terrorized, and shut down entire parts of cities.

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The totalitarian regime under Starmer further warned that AI and facial recognition would be deployed to silence any political dissent.

Sturmer had little to say however about the vicious Rwandan murders except to condescendingly opine that “fear is an understandable reaction” while telling everyone to shut up and let the authorities conduct their coverup.

The prime minister further warned social media companies to immediately crack down on those political views he disapproves of or face the consequences.

This fascist tantrum was widely praised by the media which repeated the argument that people protesting against mass migration are more dangerous than migrants murdering British people.

And the same scenes of police officers tolerating violent Islamic Jihadist protests contrasted with equally ugly and violent crackdowns on protesters against mass migration.

The UK, like many leftist countries, is becoming both anarchic and fascistic with a free pass being given to the left and its Islamist allies, even as the regime violently represses any opposition to them.
