Terror-supporting family says Israel bars them from travel, will appeal at court

“There is no legal prohibition, and clearly there is pressure from the Israeli security forces, so we will ask to remove this injustice,” Bassem Tamimi said of the alleged ban.

By: World Israel News Staff

Members of Ahed Tamimi‘s family claim that Israel is barring their exit from the country, the Ha’aretz daily reported Saturday.

According to the family, they were notified by the Palestinian District Coordination and Liaison Administration of the ban.

The report quotes an Israeli security source who confirmed the family’s claim, but the Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) stated that Tamimi, her parents and one of her brothers are barred from entering Israeli-administered territory only.

Tamimi was released in July from an Israeli prison after serving eight months for assaulting IDF soldiers and for incitement to terrorism.

Bassem Tamimi, Ahed’s father, told Ha’aretz that the family had been invited by human rights organizations for meetings in Europe. The flight was planned for Friday, but then they were allegedly notified of the ban.

“This is a pre-planned round of meetings for Belgium, France, and Spain for about 20 days, and the whole family has been invited,” Bassem said.

He charged that this was an arbitrary decision and “a continuation of the political persecution of Ahed and all members of the family.”

He said he would fight the decision. “There is no legal prohibition, and clearly there is pressure from the Israeli security forces, so we will ask to remove this injustice and we will also consider appealing to the courts.”

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit did not comment on the report.

The notorious Tamimi clan

Nabi Saleh, a Palestinian village located in Samaria, is home to about 600 members of the extended Tamimi clan, which has been engaged in provocations and terrorism against Israel for years.

Tamimi’s mother Nariman was also imprisoned for incitement.

Bassem was arrested multiple times for rioting and inciting children to commit acts of terror. Israel has already banned him from traveling abroad.

In 2011, Bassem was convicted and jailed when caught organizing the village children to march towards the neighboring Jewish community of Halamish and throw rocks.

Ahlam Tamimi, described by the Hamas military wing as their first female recruit, is a first cousin of Bassem Tamimi and a Nabi Saleh native. Ahlam was a member of the Hamas terrorist cell that carried out the August 2001 bombing of the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem, which claimed 15 victims.

Read  Is Israeli left-wing party leader guilty of incitement?
