Arab groom and guests indicted for supporting terrorism

The groom was one of four suspected terrorists indicted for expressing support for terrorism during a wedding outside Jerusalem. 

By Jack Gold, World Israel News

A Jerusalem court on Monday indicted four Arab residents of Jerusalem over their support for the Hamas terrorist organization during a wedding.

The indictments were issued by the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court against four Arabs from east Jerusalem, including the groom, who demonstrated support for terrorism at a wedding in the town of al-Azariya, just outside Jerusalem, last month.

According to the indictment, the four suspects, supporters of Hamas, praised the October 9, 2016, terror attack in Jerusalem that left two Israelis dead.

The attack, in fact was carried out by Masabah Abu Sabih, father of the bride. A resident of Jerusalem with connections to Hamas, Sabih carried out a triple shooting attack from a moving car and murdered police officer Yosef Kirma, 29, and a woman, Levana Melihi, 60. Another woman was seriously wounded. Twelve others were treated as well.

Sabih had been repeatedly arrested for security offenses and had posted hate speech against Jews and Israel on his Facebook page. He was shot dead by responding security forces.

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The groom, one of the four suspects indicted, is a member of the al-Shabab al Aqsa organization, a Hamas-linked group that incites violence on the Temple Mount.

The indictment describes how wedding guests praised Abu Sabih, singing songs in his honor and expressing support for his attack. Several also waved Hamas flags.

The primary suspect, who organized the celebration, invited a singer who sang praise for Hamas and expressed support for the terror group by wearing a Hamas band on his forehead.

Other wedding suspects are being investigated by Israeli authorities.
