Jewish Diaspora & Anti-Semitism

Pelosi: Anti-Semitism is un-American

Speaking at the AIPAC policy conference, the House speaker rejected questioning the "loyalty or patriotism" of pro-Israel Americans.
March 26, 2019
Ilhan Omar (r) (AP Photo/Susan Walsh); Laurie Cardoza-Moore (l) (Facebook).

Evangelical leader: Omar ‘hypnotized Congress’

'Americans will not tolerate anti-Semitism, whether delivered from a Christian Nationalist, a member of the KKK or an Islamist,' announced Evangelical Christian leader Laurie Cardoza-Moore.
March 20, 2019
David Duke Ilhan Omar

Anti-Semitism unites extreme left with extreme right

Despite their vast ideological differences, several factors unite the worldviews of the extreme right with the extreme left-Islamist alliance, in which Jews and Israel play a disproportionate role.
March 11, 2019