Jewish Diaspora & Anti-Semitism

Martin Luther

German Lutheran church says no to conversion of Jews

Ahead of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther and his writings, which include elements of anti-Semitism, Germany's Lutheran church has now declared it rejects any efforts to convert Jews.
November 10, 2016
United Nations HQ

UN serves kosher food for first time in history

Following a month of deliberations between the Israeli Mission and the UN Secretariat, the UN’s facilities in New York began serving kosher food for the first time in history this week.
October 31, 2016
Nazi time capsule

Nazi-era time capsule found in Poland

Inside the copper cylinder were newspapers from April of 1934, coins, parchment, photographs of Adolf Hitler and two copies of his infamous treatise, 'Mein Kampf.'
September 21, 2016
Greece Golden Dawn

Vandals deface Greek synagogue with swastikas

Vandals defaced a synagogue in the city of Ioannina in northern Greece with Nazi symbols, drawing strong condemnation from the main political parties in the country.
September 14, 2016
Jeremy Corbyn

Corbyn refuses invite to Holocaust memorial

UK's Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has refused an invitation by Israeli Labor party leader Isaac Herzog to visit Yad Vashem, Israel's national Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, citing schedule constraints, while finding time to share a stage with a supporter of a terror organization.
September 11, 2016
Ruth Smeeth

British Jewish MP receives death threats, gets police protection

Ruth Smeeth, 37, a member of the Labour Party, was repeatedly called a 'Yid' and other offensive names as well as being accused of being a 'CIA agent,' who should 'swing from the gallows' for committing treason, in a July online Facebook post.
September 8, 2016
Abraham Peck Holocaust Survivor

Abraham Peck, famed Holocaust survivor, dies at 91

Abraham Peck, a Holocaust survivor who made it his life’s mission to share the horrific account of his endurance through slave labor, starvation and torture in nine Nazi concentration camps, has died.
September 1, 2016