Analysis & Opinion

Tree of Life Synagogue

Opinion: When will American Jewry wake up?

Over the past 15 years, black anti-Semitism began cohabiting with leftist anti-Semitism. The initiative to merge the two forms of Jew-hatred came from leftist anti-Semites. Under
January 5, 2020
Dr. Theodor Herzl 1900

Opinion: Theodor Herzl at the Opera

If you’re familiar with Wagner’s anti-Semitic politics, Tannhäuser might seem an odd choice of entertainment for the founder of political Zionism.
December 19, 2019
Donald Trump

Opinion: Thanking Trump on Thanksgiving

I’m an American Jew, and last year I started keeping a running tab in my notebook as I was pleasantly surprised time after time by the White House’s strong pushback against anti-Semitic double standards.
December 8, 2019
Michael Bennet, Bernie Sanders

Opinion: What J Street really is

J Street thinks it knows what’s best for Israel, spending its time and money besmirching the Jewish State.  
November 3, 2019