World News

Nice attack

ISIS claims responsibility for Nice terror attack

The Islamic State terror group appears to have taken responsibility for the attack in Nice, France in which a terrorist drove a truck at full speed into a large crowd, killing 84 and wounding 200.
July 17, 2016
US Senators

15 Senate Democrats blast Obama over weak Iran inspections

A group of Democratic senators who had supported the Iran Nuclear Deal demanded that Obama act to ensure that inspections of suspicious Iranian sites are conducted properly and that IAEA reports are published in full detail.
July 17, 2016
Bob Corker Ben Cardin

Senate Democrats call to extend Iran sanctions

A group of Senate Democrats is pushing to extend the Iran Sanctions Act by 10 years so the US can punish the Islamic regime should it fail to live up to the terms of the controversial nuclear deal.
July 17, 2016
Trump and Pence

WATCH: Trump introduces running mate

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Saturday introduced Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his vice-presidential candidate.
July 17, 2016

WATCH: Clinton cites success in war on ISIS

'We should look at the progress we are making on ISIS,' Clinton said, adding that Kurdish and Iraqi fighters have been able to “do a much better job” on the ground.
July 15, 2016
CIA Director John Brennan

WATCH: CIA director would defy Trump waterboarding order

In apparent reference to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s statement in support of waterboarding suspected terrorists, CIA Director John Brennan said he would resign rather than implement the practice.
July 14, 2016

Facebook finally shuts down Hamas pages

In what appears to be a victory for families of Palestinian terror victims, Facebook on Thursday closed dozens of social media pages belonging to the notorious Hamas terror group.
July 14, 2016
Hacker China

Chinese government hacked US federal computers

The Chinese government is believed to have hacked into computers at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. in 2010, 2011 and 2013, including the workstation of then-FDIC Chair Sheila Bair, a congressional report says.
July 14, 2016
Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Trump demands Justice Ginsburg resign over criticism

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in an interview last week that she didn't want to think about the possibility that Trump would be president and Trump responded saying, 'Her mind is shot — resign!'
July 14, 2016
Iran's President Hassan Rouhani

Iran threatens to restart nuclear program

Ignoring Iran's own belligerence, President Hassan Rouhani threatened to restore the hostile elements of the country's nuclear program if the Western signatories to last year's agreement do not uphold their end of the deal.
July 14, 2016
Theresa May

Theresa May becomes new UK PM

As home secretary, the 59-year-old May has the tough task of calming the country and global financial markets after the upheaval that followed the Brexit referendum. Theresa May entered No. 10 Downing St., o...
July 14, 2016
ISIS commander Omar al-Shishani

ISIS Senior Commander Killed in Iraq

An Islamic State news agency has confirmed the assassination of Omar al-Shishani, a top ISIS military commander on the U.S. list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists.
July 14, 2016
Michael Ratney

Senate probe: Top US diplomat deleted emails

A senior US diplomat deleted an untold number of work emails, apparently unaware that even routine messages received and sent by a top government official should be saved, according to a Senate investigation released Tuesday.
July 13, 2016
John Kerry

State Dept. funds used in effort to oust Netanyahu

A bipartisan Senate investigative report released this week has found that US State Department grants to OneVoice, meant to further peace in the Middle East, were instead used by Victory 15 to unseat Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu during the 2015 elections.
July 13, 2016
Italy Train Crash

Dozens dead, injured in Italy train crash

Two Italian commuter trains collided Tuesday in the southern region of Puglia, killing a dozen people and wounding dozens of others, firefighters said.
July 12, 2016
Michigan shooting

Michigan: Inmate kills 2 bailiffs

A jail inmate trying to escape from a western Michigan courthouse wrested a gun from an officer Monday, killing two bailiffs and injuring two more people before he was fatally shot by other officers, a sheriff said.
July 12, 2016
Noah's Ark in Kentucky

Life-size Noah’s ark teaches Bible, negates science

Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis, the ministry that built the massive 510 foot-long, $100 million ark, said the project is based on the biblical story of Noah and will stand as proof that the stories of the Bible are true.
July 12, 2016
Theresa May.

UK’s next PM seen as supporter of Israel

Britain's next prime minister, Theresa May, has spoken of her strong support for Israel, saying that 'the modern state of Israel is the fulfillment of many generations of struggle.'
July 12, 2016
US troops Iraq

US sending more troops to Iraq

The United States will send 560 more troops to Iraq to transform a freshly retaken air base into a staging hub for the long-awaited battle to recapture Mosul from Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists, Defense Secret...
July 12, 2016
Theresa May

Theresa May to become UK’s next PM

The field of candidates to replace David Cameron had already been narrowed from five to two, but Andrea Leadsom's decision to withdraw from the race now leaves May as the sole candidate.
July 11, 2016
Dallas Police Chief David Brown

Police: Dallas shooter had plans for larger attack

Micah Johnson had material for explosives and talked of using homemade bombs during a standoff with police before he was killed, indicating he could have inflicted more damage with more time.
July 11, 2016

Lebanon’s central bank targets Hezbollah’s finances

In what appears to be a response to the Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Act, a US law which aims to sanction international financial institutions that knowingly facilitate Hezbollah’s activities, the Banque du Liban has announced it will comply.
May 18, 2016
US aid Gaza

US announces $50 million aid program for Gaza Strip

In an attempt to address the needs of Gaza's civilians and help Israel provide them with basic humanitarian assistance, the US has announced a five-year plan, during which it will distribute millions of dollars.
May 10, 2016
Reinhold Hanning

Former SS Auschwitz guard apologizes at trial in Germany 

70 years after the Holocaust, Reinhold Hanning told the Detmold state court that he had never spoken about his wartime service in Auschwitz, even to his family, but wanted to use his trial as an opportunity to set the record straight.
May 1, 2016