Druze minister says Arab MKs sent him death threats for supporting nation-state law

Communications Minister Ayoub Kara has been receiving death threats over his support for the new nation-state law. 

By: World Israel News Staff

Israeli Minister of Communications Ayoub Kara, a member of the Druze minority, accused members of the Joint Arab List political party and of his own community of sending him death threats over his support of nation-state law last week, which defines Israel as a Jewish State.

Speaking to IDF Radio Monday, Kara said he has been receiving threats from the Druze threatening to “erase his children and family.”

“I am not moving from my position,” he added.

He also accused MKs who petitioned the High Court of Justice against the law as “being populists,” noting that one of them was a co-signatory on the bill.

Relating to threats during a meeting on Monday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “I support you and your family and thank you for your loyalty. The nationality law does not harm our Druze brothers.”

Kara clarified that “those [MKs] who incite against me and against the law of nationality are members of the [Arab] Joint List,” Arutz 7 reported.

The high number of threats Kara has been receiving prompted the Defense Ministry’s Magen unit to provide him with further security.

“I am not deterred by the incitement and the threats against me and my family and am not afraid,” said Kara. “I will continue to represent the members of my community with dignity and pride – I did in the past and will do so in the future.”

“The nation-state law does not turn us into second class citizens – on the contrary, it complements and does not contradict the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty. The new law in no way detracts from the individual rights guaranteed to all the citizens of Israel,” he continued.

“The nationality law also grants special status to the Arabic language, which will not be harmed, and regulates its use in state institutions. I continue to stand behind my vote – and threats to my life will not change my firm nationalist and Zionist views,” stressed Kara.
