Extreme-left French MP slammed for antisemitic tweet alluding to global Jewish conspiracy

Guiraud later deleted his tweet but explained it to justify its original posting.

By Ben Cohen, The Algemeiner

A far-left member of the French parliament was on Wednesday the subject of a legal complaint submitted by a Jewish organization concerning a posting on social media that invoked a popular Japanese manga meme appropriated by antisemites.

David Guiraud — a parliamentarian from the far left La France Insoumise (“France Rising”) Party — posted a video on X/Twitter from the Japanese manga cartoon “One Piece” in which a character known as Doflamingo complains of being silenced in denouncing the crimes of the “Heavenly Dragons,” an ultra-wealthy and secretive global elite that serves as a “world government.” The theme has been eagerly picked up by antisemitic agitators who regard it as a symbol of the world Jewish conspiracy imagined in antisemitic screeds such as the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” a fabrication of the Russian secret police first published in the early 20th century.

Some observers have argued that “One Piece” has deliberately promoted a toxic anti-Jewish stereotype through the “Heavenly Dragons,” pointing out that conspiratorial notions about Jewish power are visible in Japanese culture and politics, despite the absence of a sizable Jewish community in that country. “There is an ambiguity that is inherent in ‘One Piece’,” Rudy Reichstadt of the watchdog group Conspiracy Watch told the news outlet Le Point. “We can make the assumption that the author of this manga drew, with full knowledge of the facts, an anti-Jewish fantasy from which Japanese culture is unfortunately not immune.”

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In response, the Jewish Observatory of France (OJF), an organization that combats antisemitism and Holocaust denial, filed a legal complaint against Guiraud that slated his post as an “apology of terrorism and provocation to discrimination, hatred or violence.”

Guiraud later deleted his tweet but offered an explanation that appeared to justify its original posting.

“The Heavenly Dragons are not a religion or a ‘race’ and if you think so, you have misread ‘One Piece,’” he wrote. “They are a military alliance of powerful people who crush others. They are not hated for what they are, but for what they do to others. But I don’t want to attack anyone, so I prefer to delete [my post].”

Guiraud’s outbursts were already viewed with concern by French Jews following his speech at a conference in Tunisia in November following the Oct. 7 Hamas pogrom in southern Israel.

In his remarks, Guiraud charged that Israel had already committed the atrocities which the Hamas terrorists were accused of executing. “Every accusation from Israel is a confession,” he claimed. “The baby [burned] in the oven, that was done by Israel, the mom who was disemboweled, that was done by Israel, during the massacre at Sabra and Shatila.” Two of the Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, Sabra and Shatila, were the location of a gruesome massacre in 1982 that was carried out by Christian Phalange militiamen but widely blamed on Israeli forces.

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Guiraud also attracted controversy when he refused to participate in last November’s national march in Paris against antisemitism, which drew nearly 200,000 people, slamming the event as an attempt to “normalize unconditional support for ethnic cleansing in Gaza.”
