Former US ambassador to Israel launches Middle East peace think tank

The nonprofit group aims to build on the normalization agreements between Arab and Muslim countries and Israel in recent years.

By Lauren Marcus, World Israel News

Former American ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman is launching a new think tank aimed at strengthening the Abraham Accords and encouraging the Jewish State to secure additional normalization agreements with its neighbors in the region.

Friedman, who served as the ambassador from 2017 to 2021 under former president Donald Trump, has established the Friedman Center for Peace through Strength organization in order to deepen Israel’s ties in the Middle East.

The nonprofit group, which is based in Jerusalem and Florida, aims to build on the normalization agreements between Arab and Muslim countries and Israel in recent years.

The organization will host a kick-off event in October at Jerusalem’s Museum of Tolerance. The event will feature the premier of a five-part documentary series about the Abraham Accords, which Friedman helped broker, produced by the TBN network.

“Since leaving office, I felt it important to preserve the legacy and advance the message of the Abraham Accords through the voices of those responsible for this extraordinary achievement,” Friedman said in a statement.

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“Partnering with the exceptional skills and reach of TBN, I believe that we have created a documentary film that will inspire other nations and other leaders to embrace this path to peace. I am so happy to unveil this film in Jerusalem as we launch our Center.”

Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are expected to attend the event.

Pompeo, who became the highest-ranking U.S. official to visit Judea and Samaria during a state-sponsored trip, will be the recipient of the institute’s first-ever “Peace through Strength” award for his staunch support of Israel.

“Mike Pompeo navigated American diplomacy with enormous courage and skill,” said Friedman.

“Around the globe, Secretary Pompeo, under the direction of [US] president [Donald] Trump, projected American values and American strength in a manner that made the world safer and more peaceful.

“I can think of no individual more worthy of our first ‘Peace through Strength’ award, and we are honored that secretary Pompeo has agreed to accept it.”
