French Jews slam cover-up of anti-Semitism in murder of woman by Islamic neighbor

French Jewish leaders strongly criticized prosecutors who failed to mention anti-Semitism in the indictment of a Parisian Muslim who murdered his Jewish neighbor while shouting Allahu Akbar.

The leadership of French Jewry strongly criticized prosecutors who omitted to mention Jew-hatred in their indictment of Parisian Muslim Kobili Traore, who brutally murdered his Jewish neighbor, 66-year old Sarah Lucy Halimi, on April 4. Traore, who reportedly shouted Allahu Akbar, confessed to murdering the Jewish woman and throwing her body out of the window of her third-story apartment.

“CRIF is astonished that the anti-Semitic character of the murder was omitted,” was the official statement from the umbrella group representing French Jewry. The French authorities and mainstream media have been accused by CRIF of whitewashing and silencing the murder of Halimi.

Traore, 27, who has no recorded history of mental illness, made an insanity plea and was initially placed in a psychiatric institution. The Muslim man knew that his neighbor was Jewish. Halimi’s daughter informed French Jewish media that Traore had called her “dirty Jew” in the elevator two years ago.

The NGO watchdog Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism seconded the criticism issued by CRIF.

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“The personality of the criminal, who shouted Allahhu Akbar, as Islamo-Fascists do, his modus operandi, and his choice of a victim he knew was Jewish affirm our thesis and certitude: This crime is incontestably anti-Semitic,” the NGO stated.

French Republican lawmaker Brigitte Kuster responded to the indictment by filing a critical query to Interior Minister Gérard Collomb.

Halimi was “tortured and murdered by an individual with premeditated anti-Semitic intentions, which serve as evidence, even if the judiciary has so far ignored this,” Kuster said, demanding that Collomb acknowledge the presumed anti-Jewish motivation behind the murder.

By: Daniel Krygier, World Israel News
