Haley to veto Security Council measure calling to protect Palestinians

The US “will unquestionably veto Kuwait’s draft resolution,” Haley vowed, calling it “a grossly one-sided approach that is morally bankrupt.”

By: Adina Katz, World Israel News

American Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said the US will veto a UN Security Council vote, scheduled for Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock, calling for an international protection force for the Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and east Jerusalem.

Kuwait called for the resolution in response to Haley’s original call to condemn Hamas for the ongoing violence in the areas surrounding the Israel-Gaza border.

At an emergency Security Council meeting on Wednesday, convened by Haley – following the heaviest bombing of southern Israel by Gaza-based terrorist groups since the 2014 summer war – the US introduced a measure to condemn Hamas, which rules the Strip.

The fact that it was blocked, Haley said the next day, is “outrageous,” adding that denunciation of Hamas should have been a “no-brainer.” She also slammed the Council for what she said was its “hypocrisy” and bias against Israel.

Instead, Kuwait’s UN Ambassador Mansour Al-Otaibi, the Council’s Arab representative, countered Haley’s proposal, claiming that “the Israeli occupation bears full responsibility for the latest escalation on our occupied land.”

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“The United States will unquestionably veto Kuwait’s draft resolution,” Haley vowed on Thursday, calling it “a grossly one-sided approach that is morally bankrupt and would only serve to undermine ongoing efforts toward peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.”

“The resolution calls on Israel to immediately cease its actions in self-defense, but makes no mention of Hamas’ aggressive actions against Israeli security forces and civilians,” Haley continued.

It also “calls for immediate steps toward ending Israeli restrictions on access into Gaza, while making no mention of Egypt’s restrictions and no mention of Hamas’ deliberate attacks against Israel’s determined efforts to provide humanitarian access into Gaza at the Kerem Shalom crossing,” she said.

“Those who choose to vote in favor of this resolution will clarify their own lack of fitness to take part in any credible negotiations between the two parties,” she declared.

Israel’s UN Ambassador Danny Danon called on the Council members not to support the resolution proposed by Kuwait.

“A biased resolution that condemns Israel yet fails to mention the terrorists of Hamas who are responsible for the violence against Israelis and Palestinians is not worthy of consideration by the Security Council,” Danon stated.  “I urge all members of the Council not to support this hypocritical resolution that denies Israel the basic right of defending its citizens, and instead to stand with the United States against the Hamas terrorists.”

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