Hamas tightens ties with Iran

The Hamas terror group is working to reestablish and ties with Iran in a “show of gratitude” for supporting the “just cause” of the Palestinians.

In a rare visit to Tehran, two senior Hamas are visiting the Iranian capital in an apparent mission to reestablish ties, even as top leaders of the Islamic terror group court Egypt, which is allied with Tehran’s regional rivals.

The two members of Hamas’ top politburo, who are based outside of the Gaza Strip, arrived in Tehran on Friday, ahead of the swearing-in of President Hassan Rouhani.

The delegation includes the head of the Hamas Political Bureau Ismail Haniyeh and senior Hamas official Izzat Al Rishq.

“A senior delegation from Hamas is attending the ceremony in a show of gratitude towards the role of Iran in supporting the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in their just cause, and to further bolster the relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Hamas said in a statement.

Iran was once Hamas’ key political and financial backer. Ties unraveled in 2012 over Iran’s support of President Bashar Assad in the Syrian civil war. Sporadic low-level meetings continued.

In June, Iran and Hamas agreed to restore diplomatic relations to the level at which they were before the Syrian civil war. The agreement was supported by the IRGC al-Quds Brigades Commander Kassam Soleimani, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, and Hamas’ new Gaza leader Yahya Sinwar.

Part of the agreement stipulated that Iran would renew its funding of Hamas’ terrorism.

In recent years, Iran has been working to broaden its influence in the Middle East through the support of its terrorism network.

By: AP and World Israel News
