Humiliation, fear as Arab TikTok terror on the rise again in Jerusalem December 13, 2022Arab destroys mezuzah in TikTok video (Twitter/Screen grab)(Twitter/Screen grab)Humiliation, fear as Arab TikTok terror on the rise again in Jerusalem Tweet WhatsApp Email Email Print Recent weeks see resurgence in phenomenon of Arabs filming themselves humiliating and harassing Jews in unprovoked attacks, then uploading the clips to TikTok for likes and accolades.By Adina Katz, World Israel NewsIsraeli police arrested three Arab men in the last week for physically attacking and harassing Jews on the streets of Jerusalem and then uploading the clips of the assaults to social media platform Tiktok.Dubbed “TikTok terror,” recent weeks have seen a resurgence in the phenomenon of Arabs filming themselves humiliating and harassing Jews in unprovoked attacks. The perpetrators freely spread the videos of themselves engaging in criminal behavior, apparently confident that they would not face consequences for their actions.טרור הטיק טוק: הכירו את אסמר כדמני (בתמונה מימין) תושב מזרח ירושלים שצילם את עצמו יורק על חרדי, מקלל אותו, מפחיד אותו ולאחר מכן העלה את התיעוד לרשתות החברתיות – בימים האחרונים שוב חוזרים אותם תיעודים ישנים שבהם ערבים תושבי מזרח ירושלים בעיקר מצלמים את עצמם כאשר הם מתעללים בחרדים.— ידידיה אפשטיין (@yedidya_epstien) December 4, 2022Last week, two Arab teenagers filmed themselves humiliating an ultra-Orthodox man by forcing him to kiss their feet under the threat of violence.Read Kanye West loses website selling Nazi t-shirtThe video went viral on TikTok, viewed hundreds of thousands of times by users. Ironically, the spread of the video helped police track down the perpetrators, who were subsequently arrested.In another popular video on the platform, two Arab youth assaulted an ultra-Orthodox man walking in the Shimon HaTzadik (Sheikh Jarrah) neighborhood, knocking him to the floor in a completely unprovoked attack. The men were eventually detained by police.ימ״ר ירושלים עצרו שני צעירים ערבים בחשד שתקפו את הצעיר החרדי ברחוב שמעון הצדיק. הטיחו את החרדי לרצפה ללא שום סיבה צילמו והפיצו את התיעוד בטיקטוק, במשטרה מנסים לאתר את הנער החרדי שהותקף— חיים גולדברג (@haim_goldberg) November 15, 2022However, not all of the assailants who proudly depict themselves terrorizing Jews were arrested.In one video posted on Twitter by journalist Yedidya Epstein, an Arab driver can be seen speeding through a two-lane tunnel in Jerusalem, making eye contact with a Jewish driver in the lane next to him and then acting as though he is abruptly turning the wheel.טרור הטיקטוק: ערבי מצלם את חברו שהוא נוסע ועושה כאילו הוא בה לדרוס נהג יהודי.— ידידיה אפשטיין (@yedidya_epstien) December 4, 2022Although the Jewish driver remained calm, the act could have caused a deadly car accident. The perpetrator was not arrested.Read Kanye West quits X, dedicates website to selling Nazi shirt“This is terrorism in every sense, and we will do everything [in our power] to eradicate this serious phenomenon,” said MK Itamar Ben-Gvir on Twitter, who is expected to be appointed National Security Minister in the upcoming government.Shortly before the widespread Arab rioting that took place during the May 2021 Operation Guardian of the Walls Israel-Gaza clash, TikTok terror spiked. Videos showing Arabs beating and harassing Jews in Jerusalem were commonplace and viewed millions of times on TikTok, inspiring copycat attacks as perpetrators received positive attention on the social media platform. AntisemitismArab IsraelisEastern JerusalemJerusalem ArabsJerusalem violenceSocial mediaTikTok