IDF hits Gaza, responding to attack on Tel Aviv beaches

The IDF was surprised by the rockets launched by Gaza terrorists earlier in the day.

By World Israel News Staff

The IDF carried out airstrikes on the Gaza Strip late Saturday night in response to the rocket attacks on the Tel Aviv coast shortly before 7 a.m. that morning, which surprised the Israelis.

As soon as the rocket landed in front of Bat Yam beach Saturday morning, the large smoke mushroom was clearly visible from the shoreline and echoes of the explosion were heard throughout the Tel Aviv region.

Anticipating a military response, Hamas claimed that the morning rocket launch that landed in the sea “happened accidentally, due to the weather conditions.”

The terror group also implicitly threatened to use force if Israel attacked.

“Fighter jets and fighter helicopters recently attacked a series of targets in the Hamas terrorist organization’s rocket-making compound. In addition, tanks attacked Hamas military positions on the Gaza Strip border,” the IDF said in a statement.

“The scope of the targets and the type of targets were attacked in response to the rocket fire this morning from the Gaza Strip to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, west of the Dan Bloc.

“The terrorist organization Hamas is responsible for what is happening in the Gaza Strip and bears the consequences of terrorist acts from the Gaza Strip,” the statement concluded.

During the day, the Egyptians tried to prevent an escalation.
