Indian PM Modi hopes for ‘viable Palestine’

Conveying India’s support for the creation of a Palestinian state, Prime Minister Modi said that “India has been unwavering in its support of the Palestinian cause.”

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed support for the creation of a Palestinian state during a joint press conference on Tuesday with visiting Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

“We hope to see the realization of a sovereign, independent, united, and viable Palestine co-existing peacefully with Israel,” said Modi. “I have reaffirmed our position on this to President Abbas during our conversation today.”

Modi also affirmed a great relationship between India and the PA.“I am delighted to welcome back President Mahmoud Abbas, an old friend of India, on his state visit to India,” Modi said.

“The relationship between India and Palestine is built on the foundation of long-standing solidarity and friendship since the days of our own freedom struggle,” Modi continued. “India has been unwavering in its support of the Palestinian cause,” he added.

Modi emphasized his hopes for the resumption of a peace process between Israel and the PA.

“India hopes for early resumption of talks between Palestinian and Israeli sides to move towards finding a comprehensive resolution,” he said.

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Abbas made his visit to India shortly preceding Modi’s upcoming visit to Israel. Indian media reported in March that “contrary to expectations that Modi would include Palestine in his itinerary too, like many ministers did in the past, he will be traveling only to Israel.”

India’s voting record at the United Nations under Modi has significantly improved for Israel. New Delhi has largely abstained from voting against it.

By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News
