Iran claims it attacked Mossad center in Iraqi Kurdistan

The Iranians said that the missile strikes were revenge for the recent assassinations of top Iranian and Hezbollah terror chiefs.

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) claimed Tuesday that it had attacked a Mossad center in Iraqi Kurdistan

The IRGC said it had fired missiles at the region’s capital, Erbil.

“In response to the recent atrocities of the Zionist regime, causing the killing of commanders of the Guards and the Axis of Resistance … one of the main Mossad espionage headquarters in Iraq’s Kurdistan region was destroyed with ballistic missiles,” said the group, which is Iran’s second, shadow army that is designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, Israel, and other Western countries.

“We assure our nation that the Guards’ offensive operations will continue until avenging the last drops of martyrs’ blood,” it added.

Senior IRGC commander Sayyed Reza Mousavi was killed in Damascus last month in a pinpoint airstrike attributed to Israel. He had been in charge of transferring financing and logistics from Iran to Syria for years, and was the highest-ranking Iranian commander killed since the head of the IRGC Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani, was assassinated by the U.S. in 2021.

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Tehran had immediately warned that it would “respond at the appropriate time and place” to his death.

Although officially Jerusalem kept mum on the Damascus strike, it did take credit for the killing just over a week ago of senior Hezbollah commander Wissam al-Tawil, who was a deputy head of the Iranian proxy’s elite Radwan terror unit. He was hit in his car by an IDF missile during an airstrike in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah has supported Hamas in its current war with Israel by regularly launching rockets at northern communities and attempting limited infiltrations through the border or by air with UAVs. All infiltrations have been repulsed by the IDF, which has retaliated with limited airstrikes and artillery shelling of Hezbollah targets in Lebanon and occasionally in Syria.

Jerusalem again kept silent after Hamas deputy head Saleh al-Arouri was assassinated in Beirut when either a manned jet or UAV fired several missiles at a room in an apartment building where he was meeting with other senior Hamas terrorists, who were also killed in the attack.

While Hamas is not considered a complete Iranian puppet as Hezbollah is, it is heavily funded by Tehran, and Iranian bombs and other weaponry have been found by IDF forces both in the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria.

At least eight explosions were heard in Erbil, with local security authorities saying four people were killed in the incident and six were injured. One missile hit the home of multimillionaire Kurdish businessman Peshraw Dizayee, killing him and members of his family. Dizayee was close to the Barzani clan that heads the semi-autonomous region which is friendly to Israel, in contrast to the Iraqi government.

Another missile struck the home of a senior Kurdish intelligence official, they said, while a third slammed into a Kurdish intelligence agency.

The sources said nothing about any Israeli target being hit.
