Iran dismisses ‘humiliating’ American offer to revive nuclear deal

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called American offers “not worth looking at” during an address for the Muslim holiday of Ramadan.


Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei dismissed proposals made so far during indirect talks with the United States in Vienna on Wednesday.

“The offers they provide are usually arrogant and humiliating, [and] not worth looking at,” said Khamenei in an address for the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, reported the AP.

“The talks shouldn’t become talks of attrition. They shouldn’t be in a way that parties drag on and prolong the talks. This is harmful to the country,” he said.

Iran announced on Tuesday that it will begin enriching uranium to the 60 percent purity level—its highest level yet—two days after it accused Israel of being behind a blast at a key nuclear site that reportedly caused extensive damage to Iran’s nuclear program.

The current dialogue is meant to allow America to re-enter the 2015 Iran nuclear deal that the Trump administration withdrew from in May 2018.
