ISIS claims responsibility for Iran attacks

ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks Wednesday in Iran that killed 12. 

ISIS took responsibility for the twin attacks that rocked Iran Wednesday in what appears to be the terror group’s first recorded activity in the Islamic Republic.

“Fighters from Islamic State attacked Khomeini’s shrine and the Iranian parliament in Tehran,” said Amaq, ISIS’s media outlet. The organization also released a live video of the in-progress attack.

The attack started when the terrorists, dressed as women and armed with Kalashnikovs, opened fire at men protecting the Iranian parliament, killing one and wounding 12. At the same time, a suicide bomber detonated at the tomb of Shiite cleric Ayatollah Khomeini, who led Iran’s 1979 revolution.

The semi-official Tasmin News Agency put the death toll at 12, with 44 wounded.

ISIS considers the Iranian Shiite stream of Islam heretical and has been fighting militias affiliated with the Islamic Republic in Syria for some time now.

By: Tzvi Lev, World Israel News
