ISIS encourages food poisoning in Western supermarkets

The newest method of attack promoted by ISIS terrorists in order to obtain maximum results is food poisoning in Western supermarkets.

Adding to stabbings, car-rammings, explosives and other types of barbaric attacks across the globe, food poisoning could become the newest tactic used by Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists.

British and American supermarkets could be the upcoming targets of this new form of mass-casualty attacks. In fact, ISIS leaders have perfected their methods by using Iraqi prisoners as “human guinea pigs,” the Daily Mail reported.

“The details of the ‘food poison tests’ were uncovered in Mosul, Iraq, after the city was liberated from ISIS earlier this year,” according to the Mail.

The SITE intelligence group, which monitors US-based jihadi groups, reveals that in an English-language series promoting lone-wolf attacks in Western countries, injecting food for sale with cyanide poison is recommended to potential terrorists, Newsweek reported.

By: World Israel News Staff
