Islamic terrorist wounds 2 policewomen in Belgium

Two police officers were stabbed and wounded by an Islamic terrorist in southern Belgium on Saturday.

In the latest Islamic terror attack in Europe, a man stabbed and wounded two female police officers while shouting “Allahu Akhbar” outside the main police station in Carleroi, Belgium, on Saturday.

A third officer shot the assailant, who later died at a hospital.

One of the wounded police suffered deep slashes to her face; the other was lightly injured. Later in the evening, Charleroi police announced on Twitter that both were “out of danger.”

“Thoughts are with the victims, their relatives and police officers,” Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel posted on Twitter. He had been vacationing in southern France and immediately returned to Belgium, where an emergency meeting will be held Sunday with the government’s National Security Council.

In March, 32 people were killed and 96 wounded in two simultaneous suicide bombing attacks at the Brussels airport and subway system.

The mastermind of the multiple simultaneous Islamic State terror attacks in Paris in November that killed at least 132 and wounded some 350 – 27-year-old Abdelhamid Abaaoud – was a Belgian.

By: Atara Beck, World Israel News
(With files from AP)
