Israel, Arabs, US united on renewing Iran arms embargo

However, a tough fight is ahead as China, Russia expected to veto UN resolution so they can sell weapons to the Islamic Republic.

By Paul Shindman, World Israel News

The U.S. has welcomed a joint call by Iran’s Arab neighbors endorsing the renewal of the United Nations arms embargo against Iran, Asharq Al-Awsat reported Tuesday.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) that comprises Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, and Qatar sent a letter to the UN Security Council backing an extension of the arms embargo on Iran.

“The GCC’s letter calling on the @UN Security Council to extend the arms embargo on Iran is a bold statement,” said U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. “The U.S. will introduce a resolution this week to extend the embargo after years of diplomacy. The [Security] Council must choose between arming terrorists or standing by the Gulf.”

Pompeo noted the unity on the issue from America’s allies in the region.

“Countries in the Middle East from the Gulf to Israel support extending the arms embargo. It is deeply important to every one of them. Arabs and Israelis are speaking with one voice and the Security Council must listen,” Pompeo said.

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The U.S. is expected to table a resolution Tuesday in the Security Council to extend the arms embargo that is due to expire on October 18th.

However, Russia and China, both allies of the rogue Iranian regime, have said they oppose the extension and are expected to use their veto – a move that American officials warned poses a danger to the world.

“Russia and China are waiting to be able to sell arms to Iran,” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft said in a Fox News interview.

“Iran will then be able to export these modernized lethal weapons to their terrorist organizations all throughout the world,” Craft said. “We have no other choice than to renew the arms embargo and promote peace and security around the world.”

Should the resolution be defeated, the Trump administration has threatened to invoke snapback sanctions, website The Hill reported. However, that move may cause more friction with U.S. allies who continue to support the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and objected to Trump’s withdrawal from it in 2018.

“If the @UN Security Council doesn’t extend the Iran arms embargo, it will make a mockery of its mission to maintain ‘international peace and security.’ The proposal the U.S. will put forward is reasonable and needed. We will do the right thing,” Pompeo said.

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