Israel bombs Hamas targets in response to cross-border violence

The IAF bombed several Hamas targets in Gaza in response to the Hamas-led, cross-border violence.

By: World Israel News Staff

Israel’s Air Force (IAF) on Friday night bombed several Hamas targets in Gaza in response to the Hamas-led cross border violence earlier in the day.

Some 10,000 Palestinian rioters burned tires, threw Molotov cocktails, flew kites with flaming objects attached to them and carried out terror attacks while attempting to infiltrate Israel on Friday as part of the latest round of protests and clashes on the Gaza-Israel border.

Hundreds of rioters attempted to infiltrate Israel and burn the security fence adjacent to the Karni Crossing in the northern Gaza Strip

The rioters approached the security fence, hurled rocks and firebombs and tried to light the fence on fire. In response, IDF troops used riot dispersal means and, when needed, “operated in accordance with the rules of engagement,” using live fire against rioters and thwarting the attempted infiltration, the IDF stated.

Later in the evening, IAF fighter jets targeted six Hamas military targets belonging to the terror organization’s naval force in the Gaza Strip.

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“The strikes were in response to the terror activity and the mass infiltration attempt earlier today,” the IDF affirmed.

Gaza’s Health Ministry said 25 people were hurt but did not give a breakdown specifying types of injury.

These latest events occurred amid the daily violence on the Israel-Gaza border, orchestrated by Hamas, the Islamic terror group that rules the Strip and calls for Israel’s destruction.

Israel has stated that Hamas has been attempting to create a “war zone” in the region with protests in five locations along the Gaza-Israel border for the past month and a half.

The terror group has organized a series of protests at the border under the “March of Return” banner. The terrorist group says the demonstrations will continue until May 15, the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel, which the Palestinians observe as Nakba Day, meaning Day of Catastrophe.

Some 35 Palestinians, mostly terrorists, have been killed in over two weeks of clashes on the Gaza border.
