Israel busts terror ring in Ramallah

Continuing its war on terrorism, the IDF carried out operations overnight throughout Judea and Samaria.

By: World Israel News Staff

Israel security forces on Saturday night rounded up a 19-member Palestinian terror ring operating in the Ramallah area, the IDF stated.

The operatives, of whom 15 are members of the Hamas terror organization, were apprehended after being in touch with Khaled al-Din Hamed, a terror operative from the Gaza Strip, who instructed them to carry out different missions on behalf of Hamas.

The ring members received Hamas funding for their activities. A car given to the operatives by Hamas was confiscated during the arrests.

As part of the operation, a printing house that distributed incitement materials for the terror organization was also closed by IDF forces on Saturday night.

“[Security forces] will continue to operate with determination against any terror operative in the Jerusalem area including terror operatives who collaborate with terror operatives of the Hamas terror organization in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF stated.

The IDF also underscored Hamas’ relentless attempts to mobilize terrorism in Judea and Samaria from Gaza “while not taking into account the ramifications [on quality of life for] the Palestinian residents in the Judea and Samaria region.”

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