Israel donates 1 million COVID vaccines to needy African countries December 16, 2021A health worker prepares a Covid-19 vaccine in Jerusalem, Oct. 3, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)Israel donates 1 million COVID vaccines to needy African countries Tweet WhatsApp Email Email Print “I am delighted that Israel can contribute and be a partner in eradicating the pandemic around the world,” said Foreign Minister Yair Lapid.By TPSThe State of Israel will transfer in the coming weeks one million AstraZenica Coronavirus vaccines to African countries through the International COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) Distribution Mechanism, the Foreign Ministry announced Wednesday.“In recent months, the State of Israel has strengthened its relations with the countries of the African continent, including its return to observer status in the Organization for African Union. This significant donation of vaccines, which will reach close to a quarter of the continent’s countries, will contribute to strengthening ties between Israel and these countries,” the Foreign Ministry stated.COVAX is a global vaccine distribution mechanism centered in Geneva, for the procurement and equitable distribution of Corona vaccines. The mechanism is the product of global cooperation, and for many developing countries, this mechanism is the only way to obtain vaccines. The COVAX mechanism also ensures that the vaccines reach the countries that can use them. It is directed by the GAVI vaccine alliance, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, and the World Health Organization.Read RFK grilled in Senate over claims of Jewish 'immunity' to COVID-19Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said that Israel “joins the international effort to vaccinate populations that do not have access to vaccines. I am delighted that Israel can contribute and be a partner in eradicating the pandemic around the world.”“While Corona vaccines are not distributed across the entire world in order to defeat the pandemic, new Corona variants will develop in areas where vaccination rates are low,” he added.Israel uses primarily the Pfizer-developed vaccine. AfricaAstrazenecaCOVID-19vaccineYair Lapid