Israel hits Gaza terror sites after incendiary balloon attacks

The Israeli military targeted sites belonging to the Hamas terror group on Friday and Saturday, which included “underground infrastructure and observation posts.”

By World Israel News and AP

Israeli aircraft and tanks hit several terror sites in the Gaza Strip late Friday, responding to an onslaught of explosive-laden incendiary balloons launched across the border into Israeli territory.

Late Saturday night, the IDF reportedly mounted an additional strike on Gaza, with Middle East security expert Joe Truzman tweeting, “Palestinian reports of a strike against a Humat al Thagour observation post.”

In a statement about the strikes on Friday, the Israeli military noted that the targeted sites belonged to Hamas, the terror group that has ruled Gaza since 2007. They included “underground infrastructure and observation posts,” it said.

For all aggression emanating from Gaza, Israel holds responsible Hamas, with whom it has fought three wars and dozens of smaller skirmishes.

Over the past week, Hamas ordered Gazan operatives to resume sending the incendiary balloons toward Israel.

The balloons have started dozens of fires that damage Israeli farmland, harm wildlife, and destroy nature preserves.

In addition to the environmental carnage, the arson attacks have caused millions of dollars in economic damage.

Palestinians have used balloons, kites, and drones to carry out arson attacks, and terrorists even attempted to attach an incendiary device to falcon.
