Israeli forces demolish home of Palestinian terrorist who murdered Israeli woman

Fighting its relentless war on Palestinian terrorism, IDF forces destroyed the home of a Palestinian terrorist responsible for the murder of an Israeli citizen.

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

Shlomit Krigman. (Courtesy)

Israeli forces early Wednesday morning demolished the home of a Palestinian terrorist who murdered an Israeli woman in Beit Horon, near Jerusalem, in January.

The IDF said in a statement that, acting in accordance with directives by Minister of Defense Moshe Ya’alon, it razed the home of Hussein Muhammed Abu Gosh in Qalandiya, just north of Jerusalem.

Palestinians began to riot during the operation and threw rocks, firebombs and an improvised explosive device at the forces. Two soldiers were lightly wounded from the explosion in the violent incident.

IDF forces responded by using crowd dispersal methods. They also fired at the main inciters. The IDF reported accurate hits.

Abu Ghosh and another Palestinian terrorist infiltrated the Israeli community of Beit Horon and stabbed and murdered Shlomit Krigman, 24, and wounded another woman on January 25. Both terrorists were shot dead by security forces.

The demolition of terrorists’ homes are meant to serve as deterrence for potential terrorists who are plotting future attacks and are part of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plans to contend with the recent wave of Palestinian terror attacks, which has claimed the lives of 33 victims in the past seven months.

Read  CAPTURED: Terrorists plot to kidnap soldiers and hide them in Jericho pits
