Israeli minister argues against military intervention in Syria

“Israel was right these past six years in not getting militarily involved in the Syrian conflict,” Deputy Foreign Minister Hotovely said.  

Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotevely argued against military intervention in Syria on Wednesday, a day after a chemical weapons attack in Syria’s Idlib province killed scores of people.

“Israel was right these past six years in not getting militarily involved in the Syrian conflict,” Hotovely said, suggesting that any role assumed by Israel in order to help solve the internal conflict in Syria must be a diplomatic one.

“Nevertheless, the situation in Syria requires action in the diplomatic arena,” she continued. “Israel can engage with its friends in the world to work towards putting a stop to these atrocities.

“Israel doesn’t turn its back on the wounded in Syria. We have treated and continue to treat wounded Syrian children in Israeli hospitals”,” she stated.

Hotovely made her remarks at a traditional pre-Passover event at the Foreign Ministry.

Netanyahu, Danon Call for International Intervention

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called for international intervention to remove chemical weapons from Syria.

“I call on the international community to fulfill its obligation from 2013 to fully and finally remove these horrible weapons from Syria,” Netanyahu declared at an annual state ceremony Tuesday for late Israeli President Chaim Herzog.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon echoed Netanyahu’s remarks.

“The UN must act immediately to put an end to the use of any chemical weapons and ensure their removal from Syrian territory,” Danon said. “The world cannot be silent in the face of the horrific massacre in Syria and allow this devastation to repeat itself.”

By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News
