Israeli ministers clash with senior army officials over Oct. 7th probe

Ministers slam IDF’s decision to launch its own investigation without lawmakers’ oversight, criticize inclusion of former defense minister linked to Gaza Disengagement.

By World Israel News Staff

Israeli government ministers lambasted the IDF’s top brass during a tense cabinet meeting Thursday over the handling of the army’s investigation into the October 7th invasion.

The government’s security cabinet ended its meeting early Thursday night, after the gathering descended into a shouting match, prompting ministers and senior army officials to storm out of the room.

Ministers sharply criticized the handling of the probe, citing the timing of the investigation – launched as the war is ongoing – the fact that the inquiry was launched solely by the IDF and without input from the government or Knesset – and the selection of former Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz as one of the investigators.

Mofaz, who later led the centrist Kadima party before dropping out of politics, was a prominent supporter of the 2005 Gaza Disengagement, and served as Defense Minister during its implementation.

“The problem is not only the timing, while the war is going on, but also who the appointees are,” said National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir (Otzma Yehudit) said during the meeting.

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“How could you place Shaul Mofaz, the defense minister of the expulsion, as an investigator? You’re letting the cat keep watch on the cream.”

As ministers – including Ben-Gvir, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich (Religious Zionist Party), Transportation Minister Miri Regev (Likud) and Regional Cooperation Minister David Amsalem (Likud) – grilled IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant (Likud) and Minister Benny Gantz (National Unity) pushed back, accusing the ministers of “attacking” the army’s leadership.

“Not every criticism is an attack, we are allowed to ask the chief of staff questions, we are the ministers and this is our job,” Ben-Gvir told Gallant.

“Stop attacking the Chief of Staff,” Gantz interjected. “You’ve gone completely insane.”
