Letter found at embassy bombing site in New Delhi threatens Israeli ambassador

The letter to the ambassador said, “We can end your life anytime anywhere.”

By World Israel News Staff

A letter was found near the site of Friday’s bombing outside the Israeli embassy in New Delhi threatening the life of Israeli ambassador Ron Malka on Sunday.

On Friday, a “very low intensity device” was detonated in front of the Israeli embassy in New Delhi causing damage to the windows of three parked cars. No injuries or deaths were reported.

However, the worst may not be over as a letter has emerged threatening assassination. In poor English, it says, “This is just a trailer presented to you, that how [sic] we can observe you, from your eating to your pie [sic].”

“You are in the red eyes of red scanner, and you can not stop our way no matter how hard you would lick [sic], we can end your life anytime anywhere, but we won’t destroy your terror shelters and we don’t want flow [sic] the blood of innocent people around you,” it says.

“Mind it, all the participants and partners of Israelian [sic] terrorist ideology will be no more in existence. Now, get ready for a big and better revenge of our heroes,” the letter ends.

Read  Police wounded in crossbow attack outside Israeli embassy

It refers to “Martyrs” Qassim Soleimani, head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, a key Iraqi militia leader, who were killed in a U.S. drone strike on Jan. 3, 2020. It also mentions Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a top Iranian official killed on Nov. 27, 2020, an assassination believed to be carried out by Israel.

In the letter, a group calling itself Sarallah India Hezbollah takes credit for the attack, according to Hebrew website N12.

That points to Iranian responsibility for the attack, reinforcing Indian media reports that Iran was behind it.

“Deliberate efforts have been made to [hide]the real perpetrators behind the terror incident with false flags and deniability built into the attack that obviously was carried out at the behest of Iran,” a senior security official told the Hindustan Times.

This is not the first time the Israeli Embassy in New Delhi was targeted.

In 2012, an explosion under an Israeli Embassy car injured four people, including the wife of a diplomat. Police said two men riding on a motorbike planted the explosive device under the car when it stopped at a traffic signal. The device exploded soon afterward.

Israel accused Iran of involvement in that blast as well.

Read  Police wounded in crossbow attack outside Israeli embassy

AP contributed to this report.
