Mayim Bialik blasts silence of feminist groups on Hamas attacks

The absence of censure over the ‘systematic rape and torture’ of Israeli women is ‘abhorrent,’ says the TV star.

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

TV star Mayim Bialik joined a small chorus of famous women Sunday in criticizing international feminist groups for their silence in the face of Hamas’ atrocities on October 7th that included the use of rape as a weapon of war.

“There has been an abhorrent and conspicuous absence of women’s organizations around the world unequivocally condemning the systematic rape and torture of women on October 7 by Hamas,” Bialik posted to X. “Brutal gang rapes, sexual torture, and murder of fetuses happened- period. Where are the “BELIEVE THEM” voices?”

The Jewish actress pointed out that many of the horrific acts were documented and posted online immediately by the terrorists themselves, and yet the prestigious United Nations Women group “took 50 days to express ‘alarm.’“

“Those of us who have fought for women’s rights and have sought to shout from the rooftops when women’s bodies are being used in war for the sadistic pleasure of perpetrators are astounded at how the world has been silent surrounding this,” she lamented.

On Tuesday, the UN Women seemingly gained courage to call the terror organization out, but only vaguely – and briefly.

“We condemn the brutal attacks by Hamas on October 7 and continue to call for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages,” the group posted to Instagram.

Shortly afterwards, it deleted the post and just called for the hostages to be freed.

In all its many statements and reports on the ongoing war, kicked off after Hamas’ October invasion in which its fighters and Gazan civilians massacred 1,200 people in nearby Israeli communities, the women’s group concentrates on the “devastating impact of the crisis in Gaza on women and girls,” without mentioning the crimes committed against female Israelis at all.

Sarah Weiss Maudi, a senior diplomat and legal adviser in Israel’s Foreign Ministry told Fox News Digital that even providing proof did not move the forum that touts itself as a “global champion for women and girls.”

“What I don’t understand is that we provided very graphic and descriptive evidence of rapes, including gang rapes and the remains of semen on young girls, it was not good enough for the UN,” she said. “Yet data provided by the Hamas Ministry of Health is accepted and quoted without any verification at all.”

A few weeks into the war, the National Council for Jewish Women and more than 140 other women’s organizations petitioned UN Women to ““do everything in their power to expose and recognize these atrocious and horrific acts of violence against women and girls,” to no avail.

Bialik’s post included a link to a week-old CNN op-ed penned by Sheryl Sandberg, the former Meta COO, in which the Jewish executive blasted all those who have remained silent, or worse, denied Hamas’ “unspeakable atrocities that we must speak about — and speak about loudly.”

Sandberg wrote that no matter what political or religious beliefs people have, all “can agree” that “rape should never be used as an act of war.” Yet while global women’s organizations and human rights activists “yelled in horror” when widespread sexual violence was committed in other wars, such as in Rwanda, “the silence on [Hamas’] war crimes is deafening.”

“We must denounce these rapes in every conversation, at every rally, and on signs held on every street corner,” she ended. “We must forget our conflicting politics and remember our common humanity.”

Co-host of popular program “The View,” Alyssa Farah Griffin, referenced Sandberg’s article when saying on the show this week that she was “still devastated” by the “silence from women’s groups in this country about rape being used as an act of war in this attack.”

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Over 315,000 people have signed an online petition against UN Women’s “unforgivable” silence written by an Israeli grassroots campaign called #MeToo_UNless_Ur_A_Jew, that charges that “it is very clear that for UN Women, and the UN as a whole, Jews simply do not count.”
