Member of Palestinian Tamimi clan killed after hurling rock at IDF soldier

A Palestinian from the notorious Tamimi family was killed while attacking an IDF soldier with a rock at close range. 

By: World Israel News Staff

A Palestinian rioter was killed in the Ramallah area on Wednesday after attempting to attack an IDF soldier with a rock at close range.

The attacker hurled a large rock at IDF troops during a counter-terrorism arrest in the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh, northwest of Ramallah.

A riot ensued during the arrest and IDF troops responded with riot dispersal means.

At one point, “one of the Palestinians flanked the troops and hurled the rock, striking a soldier’s head,” an IDF spokesperson tweeted.

In response, the targeted soldier fired towards the assailant, who was injured and given medical treatment at the scene. He subsequently died of his wounds.

He was identified by Palestinian media as Izzeddin Tamimi, 21.

Reports indicate that Tamimi was wanted by the IDF for a year.

No IDF troops were injured in the incident, which is “being examined,” the IDF stated.

The incident occurred just weeks after an Israeli soldier was killed in similar circumstances by a block that crushed his head.

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The notorious Tamimi clan

Nabi Saleh is home to about 600 members of the extended Tamimi clan – including Izzeddin – which has been engaged in provocations and terrorism against Israel for years.

His cousin is Ahed Tamimi, who is currently imprisoned for assaulting IDF soldiers and incitement to terrorism. Her mother Nariman and cousin Nur were also charged with incitement.

Ahed’s Father and Izzeddin’s uncle, Bassem, has been arrested multiple times for rioting and inciting children to commit acts of terror. Israel has recently banned him from traveling abroad.

In 2011, Bassem was convicted and jailed when caught organizing the village children to march towards the neighboring Jewish community of Halamish and throw rocks.

Ahlam Tamimi, described by the Hamas military wing as their first female recruit, is a first cousin of Bassem Tamimi and a Nabi Saleh native. Ahlam was a member of the Hamas terrorist cell that carried out the August 2001 bombing of the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem, which claimed 15 victims.
