Netanyahu: If nothing changes, deal gives Iran nuclear weapons within a few years

“It is completely clear, if one examines this agreement, if nothing changes, that Iran will have an arsenal of nuclear weapons within a few years,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned. 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commended US President Donald Trump for his decision to not recertify the Iranian nuclear accord and for his new and tougher stance toward Tehran, while warning that if the deal is not altered or cancelled, Iran will have in its possession “an arsenal of nuclear weapons within a few years.”

“This agreement does not block this. It creates a sure path to the production of an enrichment system that could quickly bring Iran to dozens of atomic bombs and even more,” Netanyahu stated at the beginning of the cabinet meeting on Sunday, stressing that Trump’s decision “is very important.”

Netanyahu explained that Trump’s latest move “creates an opportunity to fix the nuclear agreement and stop Iran’s increasing aggression in our region.”

He called on any “responsible government, and whoever seeks to promote peace and security in the world,” to “take advantage of the opportunity that President Trump’s decision has created in order to improve the agreement or abrogate it and, of course, stop Iran’s aggression.”

Read  ‘Iran fighting seven-front war on Israel’ – Netanyahu

“We cannot and will not make this certification,” Trump stated Friday. “We will not continue down a path whose predictable conclusion is more violence, more terror and the very real threat of Iran’s nuclear breakout.”

Trump explained that, following a review by his administration, the decision was taken to announce “major steps” to ensure “Iran never — and I mean never — acquires a nuclear weapon.”

In a video message released on Saturday, Netanyahu praised Trump “for his courageous decision” to confront “Iran’s terrorist regime”.

“If the Iran deal is left unchanged, one thing is absolutely certain: in a few years time, the world’s foremost terrorist regime will have an arsenal of nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu further stressed that “it is self-evident that the President’s decision to impose sanctions on Revolutionary Guards needs to be supported. The Revolutionary Guards are Iran’s main arm in spreading terror around the world and, of course, in spreading its aggression throughout the Middle East.

Trump further announced in his speech a plan for “tough sanctions” on Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) for supporting terrorism.

As for Israel’s withdrawal from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Netanyahu’s said that the UN body has become “a platform for delusional, anti-Israeli and – in effect – anti-Semitic decisions.”

While he expressed hope that the organization “will change its ways,” he said Israel is “not pinning hopes on this; therefore, my directive to leave the organization stands and we will move forward to carry it out.”

Israel announced it was leaving UNESCO after the US Department of State on Thursday notified UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova of the US decision to withdraw from the organization and to seek to establish a permanent observer mission to UNESCO.

By: World Israel News Staff

