Netanyahu to Palestinian Authority: ‘Fund peace not terror’

At a memorial ceremony for terror victims and soldiers, Netanyahu challenged the Palestinian Authority’s desire for peace when it financially rewards terrorism. 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the Palestinian Authority to cease financing terrorists and their family members, while addressing a national ceremony commemorating 4,128 terror victims on Monday at Jerusalem’s Mount Herzl in honor of Israel’s Memorial Day.

“It is impossible to ignore the fact that these lowly murderers receive a monthly salary from the Palestinian Authority,” Netanyahu said. “The more you murder, the more you get.”

Netanyahu noted the PA spends at least $300 million annually on terrorists imprisoned in Israel or their family members totaling approximately $1 billion over the past few years.

“Think what could have been done with a billion dollars,” Netanyahu said. “How much more would it have been possible to educate the young generation of Palestinians toward true peace?”

“How can you talk about peace when, at the same time, you pay murderers who spilled the blood of innocent Israelis?” Netanyahu asked.

Instead of funding and financially rewarding terrorism and murder, Netanyahu called on the PA to “fund peace.”

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Netanyahu also commemorated the thousands of soldiers who have died defending the state of Israel.

“Our lives continue to depend on the willingness of our sons and daughters to sacrifice themselves, and I know that this sacrifice is a necessary condition not only for our existence, but also for achieving peace with our neighbors,” Netanyahu stated.

By: World Israel News Staff
