Netanyahu castigates humanitarian groups over Oct. 7th silence: ‘Where the hell are you?’

‘Are you being silent because they are Jewish women?’

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the nation on Tuesday, December 5th, and discussed, among other things, the silence of humanitarian groups on the brutal sexual crimes committed by Hamas on October 7th.

He said, “I heard, as you have, about the sexual abuse and rapes of unparalleled brutality (committed by Hamas on October 7th).”

Netanyahu continued, “I must say that up until a few days ago, I did not hear the human rights organizations. I did not hear the women’s organizations. I did not hear the UN. I did not hear them crying out.”

He added, ” ‘Where are you? You are being silent because they are Jewish women?”

I say to the women’s rights organizations, to the human rights organizations, you’ve heard of the rape of Israeli women, horrible atrocities, sexual mutilation. Where the hell are you? I expect all civilized leaders, governments, nations, to speak up against this atrocity.”

On Monday, A UN sidebar event, “Hear Our Voices: Sexual and gender-based violence in the October 7 Hamas terror attack,” had as its keynote speaker, Sheryl Sandberg formerly an executive at Facebook, as well as other speakers, including those who dealt directly with the dead bodies of women.

The purpose of the event was to demand that the United Nations regard the sexual violence committed by Hamas as war crimes and to address the silence in the UN and among many global women’s groups.

After nearly two months, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced an investigation into the crimes.

Army reservist Shari Mendes spoke about what her unit saw at the Shura base as they prepared female bodies for burial.

Mendes reported that her team commander saw bodies of female soldiers that had been shot in the crotch, the breasts, and inside the vagina.

The faces of many were shot many times with what appeared to be an intent to mutilate them beyond recognition.

Mendes said, “Heads and faces were covered in blood. They were shot in the eyes, face, and skull.”

In addition, survivors of the October 7 massacre have reported witnessing the systematic gang rape and murder of women.

Many female corpses had their underwear pulled down and showed signs of having bled from their genitals.

Others had broken pelvises and legs from repeated rape.
