‘Open season on Jews in New York’: Assault on young mother latest anti-Semitic attack in NYC

A Jewish woman out walking with her young son became the latest victim of the spree of violent hate crimes against visibly-identifiable Jews in New York City during the holiday week.

By Algemeiner Staff

A 34-year-old Jewish woman and her child had been strolling through a quiet section of the Gravesend neighborhood in Brooklyn on Thursday when they were set upon by the assailant — a 42-year-old woman who was later apprehended by police.

The attacker reportedly had emerged from a Dunkin Donuts outlet in the neighborhood when she spotted the mother and son. She yelled an anti-Semitic slur and proceeded to beat the mother about the head with her shoulder bag.

The suspect was arrested after the Jewish woman, who wants to remain anonymous, called 911. A witness to the attack is reported to have followed the assailant after she left the scene, enabling the police to detain her swiftly.

The attack in Gravesend brings to at least five the number of assaults on Jews in New York City during the holiday period.

Meanwhile, police in Brooklyn’s Borough Park neighborhood are investigating whether a physical assault on a 40-year-old Jewish man who was walking along 13th Ave was a hate crime.

Chaim Deutch — a New York City Council member — told local news outlets in Friday, “It seems like it’s open season on Jews in New York City.”

Commenting on the latest spate of attacks, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio stated on his Twitter feed that the police presence in those Brooklyn neighborhoods with significant Jewish populations would be boosted.

“Anyone who terrorizes our Jewish community WILL face justice,” de Blasio pledged.
