Palestinian groups declare ‘day of rage’ ahead of Trump visit in Israel

Palestinian factions are calling for a “Day of Rage” to coincide with Trump’s visit to Israel.

Palestinian leaders are calling for a “Day of Rage” on Tuesday, when US President Donald Trump visits Bethlehem, which is under Palestinian Authority (PA) control, the Jerusalem Post reported.

The Islamic and National Forces called for the violent protests, saying they wish to convey a message to the American leader that “the Palestinian people insist on their right to self-determination and national independence in a state with east Jerusalem as its sovereign capital.”

“The US position supporting the occupation” and the Trump’s administration “intention to return to American-sponsored negotiations” is unacceptable, and the Palestinians “reject” such overtures, they stated, according to the Post.

The leaders called for violence throughout Judea, Samaria and Gaza, which they hope will continue into the coming days.

Trump is scheduled to land Monday in Israel for a two-day visit that also includes a meeting in Bethlehem with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. He will then fly to Italy to meet with Pope Francis and Italian President Mattarella, followed by a NATO summit in Brussels and back to Italy for a G7 meeting in Sicily.

By: World Israel News Staff
