Palestinians murdered Israeli as revenge for terrorist’s death

The terrorists who murdered Reuven Shmerling did so out of revenge for the death of their friend, maintains Israeli law enforcement.

Two Palestinian terrorists murdered Reuven Shmerling, a 70-year-old Israeli, at an industrial zone in the Israeli-Arab town of Kfar Kassem in October as an act of revenge, the Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) revealed Monday.

The two terrorists, Yousef Khaled Mustafa Kamil and Muhammad Ziad Aby Al-Roub, residents of Kabatiya, were arrested by Israeli forces a few days after the attack.

The two suspects, in their twenties, entered Israel illegally and worked in the country for two weeks, during which they planned their attack.

Evidence gathered indicates that this terrorist attack was motivated by nationalist sentiment.

In their investigation, the terrorists admitted to planning the attack as a revenge for the death of Ahmed Abu Al-Roub, who was killed in 2015 while committing a stabbing attack against Israeli forces at the Jalameh Crossing, and in retaliation for the latest unrest surrounding the Temple Mount.

The two acquired a knife, planned the attack, including the escape route ahead of the attack, indicating that this was not a work related dispute that got out of hand, as was previously suggested.

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The terrorists stabbed Shmerling multiple times during the attack in the back, chest, stomach, head, arms and legs.

The two also revealed information about additional plans to carry out terrorist attacks against Israeli targets in Judea and Samaria, together with additional suspects from Kabatiya who are currently being investigated.

The two were indicted at a Lod court and charged with a terrorism-related murder.

One of the terrorists’ houses has been condemned for demolition by the IDF.

By: World Israel News Staff

