Palestinians pursuing diplomatic war against US and Israel at UN

The Palestinians are pursuing diplomatic war against Israel and the US at various international bodies.

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) decided in its meeting in Ramallah on Saturday evening to take action against Israel at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the UN General Assembly and the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The Executive Committee said in a statement following the meeting chaired by Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas that it asked the government to begin devising plans to disengage from Israel at the security, political, economic and administrative levels and to submit these plans to the Executive Committee for approval.

The Palestinians are also seeking to end their economic dependence on Israel as stipulated in the Paris Economic Agreement (PEA). Under the PEA, a mechanism was set up through which Israel collects taxes—value-added tax and customs fees—on behalf of the PA to the tune of about $100 million per month. Israel then transfers the money to the PA.

Israel and the PA currently cooperate on various levels. It is unclear how the PA could survive such a drastic move. Suspending security coordination with the IDF could endanger the Palestinian regime, which relies on the IDF to maintain security and fend off attempts by rival Palestinian factions to overthrow it.

The Executive Committee also decided to form a higher committee to implement the decisions of the Palestinian Central Council (PCC), including the decision to suspend the recognition of the state of Israel until it recognizes the “state of Palestine” on the 1967 borders.

Similarly, the Executive Committee decided to request that the ICC start a judicial inquiry into “Israeli settlements, racial discrimination and the ongoing ethnic cleansing in and around Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley and the area south of Hebron”, the PLO stated.

Last month, the PCC held a two-day conference to discuss the ramifications of the US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and to develop a new Palestinian strategy. Subsequently, the Palestinians announced an escalation of their diplomatic actions against Israel through the annulment of the Oslo peace accords and withdrawal of their recognition of Israel.

On the first day of the conference, Abbas  delivered a hate-filled speech in which he denied Israel’s right to exist and wished President Donald Trump that his “house should be destroyed.”

Abbas is expected to address the UN Security Council on February 20 where he “will reiterate his commitment for a peaceful settlement with Israel based on establishing an independent and sovereign Palestinian state on the June 4, 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital,” the PLO stated.

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Kuwait’s UN Ambassador Mansour Al-Otaibi, the UNSC president for February, told a news conference Thursday that his government invited Abbas to address its monthly Mideast meeting and believes it will be “important” and “beneficial” for members.

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon slammed Abbas’ pending address at the UNSC.

“After disseminating anti-Semitic messages in recent speeches, Mahmoud Abbas is now seeking to put an end to any possibility of negotiations with Israel,” said Danon.

“By continuing to act against the United States and seeking unilateral action against Israel, Abbas is completely misreading today’s reality and harming the prospects for a better future for his people,” he added.
