Report: Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah suffers heart attack

Is Hezbollah’s leader still capable of leading his terror organization? Arab sources are reporting that he has suffered a heart attack. 

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

Hezbollah terrorists. (AP/Bilal Hussein)

Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, head of the Lebanon-based terror organization, has recently suffered a heart attack, Arab sources are reporting.

Various rumors regarding the terror leader’s health condition have appeared on various sites throughout the Persian Gulf, Israel’s Globes reports.

The reports indicate that Nasrallah was hospitalized a few days ago in southern Beirut following complications which resemble a stroke or heart attack, Israel’s Yediot Aharonoth reported.

One source, which credibility has not been properly established, quoted Lebanese sources that say he has been hospitalized and is under observation, and that he did not look well during his last speech and was forced to pause for sips of juice during the event.

The Hezbollah commander is scheduled to speak on May 24th, as he does annually, to mark Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000. The event’s cancellation or downscaling would provide an indication to his medical status and would corroborate or refute the rumors.

Hezbollah has been participating in the civil war in Syria, fighting alongside President Basher Assad’s armies. The terrorists have recently launched a massive campaign against Sunni rebels in the Qalamoun Mountains on the Lebanese border with Syria. Reports indicate that bitter battles are being waged in the region, and the Hezbollah has incurred heavy losses.

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