Reuters, AP journalists watched Hamas lynchings, kidnappings and urged civilians to join

A video shows Reuters and AP journalist Ashraf Amra laughing at footage of an IDF soldier being lynched.

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

Journalists working for Reuters, AP and other media outlets were present with Hamas terrorists at the October 7th massacres and encouraged others to take part, according to Honest Reporting.

Ashraf Amra, who had been working for Reuters and AP in a video is seen viewing and enjoying another photojournalist’s footage of an IDF soldier being lynched.

The two journalists were recalling how they infiltrated Israel’s border and were laughing as they described how the soldier’s body was mutilated and brutalized even after he was dead.

Ashraf Amra has been greeted and kissed twice by Hamas terror leader Ismail Haniyeh, and in addition to working for Reuters and AP, he also is a journalist for APA Images and Turkish news agency Anadolu.

Abu Mostafa, who also works for Reuters, discussed with relish witnessing atrocities and kidnappings in Sderot and other places.

Mostafa said he had been there since the beginning of the massacre and from a safe room watched Hamas terrorists taking away Israelis who were hiding.

One photojournalist had a message for others, “Advice, whoever can go – go. It is a one-time event that will not happen again.”

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Another said in agreement, “Really, it will not repeat itself.”

The first journalist bragged about watching 50 women being taken captive.

In the video, he continued encouraging Gazans to take part and said they could go 10 kilometers or more into Israel.

A photograph from one of the photojournalists was voted “Picture of the Year” by Reuters.

This isn’t the first time journalists working for Reuters and The Associated Press have been connected with the October 7th massacre.

In an earlier story by Honest Reporting, journalists who had been working for CNN, Reuters, The New York Times, and The Associated Press were present at the October 7th massacre and some even had ties with Hamas.

Benjamin Netanyahu called journalists who stood by and photographed Israeli tanks on fire, Hamas terrorists invading kibbutzim and leading away hostages, and terrorists lynching soldiers “accomplices in crimes against humanity.”

Minister Benny Gantz said that journalists “who knew about the massacre, who remained silent and took pictures” were “no different from terrorists.”
