Rightwing group permitted to hold demonstration in Arab town

A rightwing political movement called Otzma Yehudit will hold a demonstration in Umm al-Fahm to protest an Arab terror attack.

By: World Israel News Staff

Israel Police will allow Jewish rightwing activists to demonstrate in the Arab city Umm al-Fahm on Thursday, according to a report by Kan Public Broadcasting.

Police and the activists reached a compromise before a High Court panel was slated to hear a petition from the activists.

According to the compromise reached, the number of participants in the demonstration will be restricted. The route of the demonstration will be predetermined, apparently to minimize friction. Transportation to Umm al-Fahm will be carefully regulated by police.

In July 2017, after three Arab-Israelis from Umm al-Fahm carried out a deadly terror attack, a group of rightwing activists who head the political movement Otzma Yehudit [Jewish Power] requested permission to stage a demonstration in the city.

Police prevented the demonstration at the time. Members of Otzma Yehudit — Itamar Ben-Gvir, Michael Ben Ari and Baruch Marzel — attempted to reach Umm al-Fahm despite the police prohibition and were stopped.

The three terrorists from Umm al-Fahm had opened fire on the Druze policemen as they stood guard just outside the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Read  Israeli minister declares end to ban on Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount

Two police officers, Haiel Sitawe and Kamil Shnaan, both members of Israel’s Druze community, were killed in the attack.
